Learn With LMW

Book LMW to Speak at Your Event

All inquiries: speaking@lmwedits.com


Motivate your audience to get organized!

Organized spaces make our lives easier and just plain better… but the process of getting organized can seem daunting.

Whether virtually or in person, Lucy Milligan Wahl is a dynamic speaker who makes home organization accessible and even inspiring! And she just doesn’t tell you why an organized space is great: she dives into nitty gritty details so that each and every attendee walks away with specific tactics they can implement immediately.

If you’re looking to hire a speaker who will captivate your audience, Lucy is available for speaking engagements on a wide variety of home organizing related topics: scroll for more info!


Sample Keynote Topics

Developing An Organized Mindset

You’ve read all the organizing hacks and tips, but they just don’t resonate with you. You don’t understand why you should bother with any of these habits and strategies. In this presentation, Lucy delves deep into the reasons why the classic organizing strategies work, and how you can reframe the way you think about your home to adopt an organized mindset.


Managing Paper In A Digital World

Do you struggle with accumulating piles of paper that never seem to stop growing? Even in our digital world, our homes overflow with pieces of paper, from household bills to kids’ artwork to conference handouts. Lucy will walk you step by step through the exact process she uses with her LMW Edits clients to create a system to stop you from drowning in paper.


Love, Life, and Organizing

For moms who feel overwhelmed, dads who feel nagged, and kids who feel like they can never get anything right… this session will help families figure out how to cut conflict at home by getting organized. Lucy will detail the concepts, strategies, and tactics she uses to help families create organized homes that support quality time together, no matter how busy they are.