What Would A Professional Organizer Think?
Have you ever wondered what a professional organizer like me thinks of your home?
We might, in fact, be kind of envious that you’re happy and relaxed in a less-than-perfectly-organized space.. I don't necessarily love that I feel compelled to have absolutely everything put away before I leave the house/go to bed/have guests over. It doesn't really matter in the scheme of things that I didn't return the salt and pepper grinders to their dedicated spot by the stove or move my husband's shoes from under the couch into his closet, but yet I did anyway. It would definitely be freeing to be able to let go of the little things sometimes!
Even though I organize homes for a living, I don’t actually want to reorganize every home I ever enter! No one wants to take their work home with them, not even a professional organizer. When I'm spending time with people I care about, the last thing I want to do is bore or lecture them. Of course, I'm happy to give advice to anyone who asks, but if not, we have a lot of much more interesting things to talk about!
In a professional context, when I enter someone’s home I’m thinking in terms of opportunity, rather than in terms of obstacles. I don’t infer the quality of someone’s life and relationships from the level of organization in their home, and I don’t judge them for being disorganized. Instead, I’m listening for their goals for the space, and creating a plan that will help them accomplish those goals. I can almost see the spaces opening up as they talk!
I personally keep a relatively organized life because it makes me happy, not to make anyone else feel bad in comparison. If you think an organized space would make your life better, I’d love to help you out - and if you’re happy with the way it is now, I support you! There’s no one organizational standard that anyone has to meet or be judged. It’s all about what works for you and makes your life easier.
Many people are worried about what I might think of their home. Are there any other worries you have about working with a professional organizer? Let me know!