The Well Organized Pup
Please meet Petunia. She’s pleased to meet you!
One of my cardinal rules of organization is to keep things where they're used, and that’s what we’ve done in organizing Petunia's gear. While the doggie stuff is spread out all over the house, we’ve pared it down to the essentials and keep everything contained using storage pieces that are as aesthetically pleasing as they are functional. I've looked to specialty retailers to keep the dog stuff cute without being over the top cheesy or precious, and have found Harry Barker and Jonathan Adler to be great resources for design-focused pet products.
I love having this set of hooks by the door: it's perfect for storing Petunia's leash and treat bag, and her raincoat when it's stormy. This setup makes it quick and easy to head out for a walk, which is essential if, like us, you live in the city with no outdoor space.
Petunia's gear on the right. Red gear belonged to Chester, our beloved first dog.
The rain coat is practical, but Petunia is Not A Fan.
Petunia’s toys go where she can find them, in this cute bucket that we keep by her bed in my home office. Usually, there's a toy or two in the bucket and the rest are scattered throughout the house!
We’ve discovered that while she will actively refuse to bite down on an errant hand, when it comes to toys Petunia is a voracious chewer. The only toys that can stand up to the might of her jaws are Kongs, Chuck-it balls, antlers, and raw beef bones. Give her a soft toy and, well… this happens... --->
My dad gave us this hilarious doggie cookie jar, and it's perfect for keeping dry treats accessible on the counter. You never know when you really need Petunia to do something and having a treat handy for encouragement speeds the process!
Petunia’s water and food dishes came from Jonathan Adler, and are unfortunately now discontinued. They live between our kitchen and breakfast room, which is convenient to food storage (not pictured, we keep the 30lb bag of kibble on the landing in the back staircase that's typical of old San Francisco buildings) and the sink for easy refills.
And finally, anything else dog-related that we use less often lives on a shelf in our laundry closet. I love these small bins from the Container Store, they’re perfect for corralling smaller items on big shelves in an attractive way while still keeping them visible.
1) extra treats and toys 2) bathing supplies 3) medication 4) spare leashes and collars 5) travel items 6) apparel
Speaking of doggie fashion, I highly recommend Pecan Pie Puppies for adorable collars and leashes that also stand up to whatever your pup can dish out, like Petunia's dirty, sandy romps with her big dog buddies at Fort Funston! Love the high quality metal hardware too.
(and Petunia, who is curled up on my legs as I type)