Tips from the Queen of Closet Organizing

 Melanie Charlton is a serious force in the closet organizing world.  She has built Closette, her luxury custom closet organizing and design business, into a global brand.  She also launched an organizing product line called Closette Too and her book, Shop Your Closet: The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Closet with Style, was published in 2008.  So, of course, I had to read it and report back!

personal copy of Shop Your Closet by Melanie Charlton

You can get the best of Melanie’s organizing tips in this article from Refinery 29: 5 Pro Tips that Can Transform Your Closet.  I particularly love her 10 Commandments of Hanging.  Matching slimline hangers (like these I get from Costco) will transform your closet by freeing up space and decreasing the visual clutter caused by mismatched hangers. 

There are only three of Melanie’s rules I violate in my own closet.  I fold my jeans instead of hang them, and keep my shoes on a shoe rack rather than on shelves because I just don’t have enough space.  Literally, when I was laying out my closet with the designer, the amount of shelf space required for my shoes would have moved my sweaters, hats, purses, and jeans out of the closet entirely!  I also have a small enough jewelry collection that a jewelry box suits my needs perfectly at this point.

Melanie clearly knows what she’s talking about.  She’s worked with some of the most beautiful wardrobes in the world, and created custom organizational solutions for them all.  However, I have to admit this about her book: there’s not a lot of additional content there, and the writing is conversational and littered with grammatical errors.  If you’re looking to absorb Melanie’s stellar advice and elegant aesthetic, I’d dig deeper into her Closette blog, and skip the book!



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