My Very First Home Organizing Client
When I tell people that I’m a professional organizer, a common reaction is a distant look, a sigh, a slump of the shoulders, and the comment: “I should really get organized.”
The key word there? SHOULD. We’ve all received the message that in order to live our best life, we should be organized. This connection between a tidy life and being a good person traces back to our Puritan roots and, whether we like it or not, is a fundamental part our culture.
I am here to tell you that getting organized will not necessarily make you a better person, but it will improve your life in very concrete and often surprising ways. I’ve seen these results first hand with my clients – including my very first one! I basically conned my mom into letting me organize her closet when I was in the initial stages of creating LMW Edits, as a test case to see if I really did like doing this work. (Spoiler alert: I did.)
Photo of my mom's closet by my husband
My mom’s closet presented classic issues that I see with so many of my clients: too much stuff in not enough space, too many pieces that never get seen or used, lots of items that were worn out or in disrepair, and a constant state of minor disarray that never quite got resolved. I guided her through my core process, and 6 trash bags later (no one was more shocked than she!), some different approaches to folding and hanging, and some rearranging to a more logical layout, her closet was picture perfect.
More great closet detail by my husband!
And then her closet stayed organized… first for days, then weeks, then months. My mom was delighted with the results (as was my neatnik dad), and reported gleefully that she was wearing pieces she hadn’t used in years, and having fun pairing things in brand new ways. Plus, the holes in her wardrobe became obvious, which has made recent shopping trips both more focused and more productive.
I strongly believe that organizing a closet, when done right, is an exercise in refining style. My mom agrees!
Book your home organizing consultation with me today to get started on organizing your closet to reflect your own personal style.