The Real Benefits of Hiring a Professional Organizer
I talk a lot about the benefits of getting organized. An organized home just plain makes life easier!
If you agree with me that you see the benefits of an organized home and want one for yourself, then what do you do next? Do you read an organizing book? Do you download printables or watch webinars? Do you research tips on Instagram?
All of those things are wonderful resources I offer that can help you get organized. But what if you still feel stuck?
It might be time to consider hiring a professional organizer. Here are 4 powerful benefits you’ll see when you hire a professional organizer to help organize your home.
1) Solutions
Professional organizers have literally seen it all. We’ve worked with all kinds of people and helped them organize all kinds of things. We have brains and files full of unique ideas for organizing systems that we can tweak to suit your specific needs.
I’m constantly using organizing product in creative, “off-label” ways for my clients. A bamboo drawer divider can become a caddy on a tiny bathroom shelf in a weird old apartment. A letter collator can become a way to keep clutch bags upright. A shoe drawer can become a bin for art supplies.
2) Speed
When you work with a professional organizer, your project goes much faster. Because we have so much experience, we can move you through the organizing process much more efficiently than you can on your own.
A client looked up at me once, midway through sorting a stack of paper, and said, “If I were doing this by myself, it would take three times as long.” Your time is valuable! By hiring a professional organizer like me, part of what you’re paying for is the time you’ll get back that you would have spent if you tried to get organized by yourself.
3) Support
A professional organizer serves as a neutral third party, asking the questions that will help you eliminate the things that don’t serve you and properly store the things that do. A great professional organizer will never force you to throw something away (unless it is causing you imminent physical harm, such as chemicals or mold) - they will simply serve as a sounding board as you work through your choices. And they’ll never judge you or your stuff!
I had a client ask me once, “Do you think I’m weird for keeping these letters from an old boyfriend?” I replied that I absolutely did not. Her file was small and easily stored, and made her happy to remember the good times from an earlier era. When the stuff in your home makes you happy, I’ve done my job!
4) Accountability
When you have so many demands on your time, it’s hard to finish what you start, especially if everything else is a high priority! When you work with a professional organizer, however, we keep your project moving forward even when everything else is on fire.
I had a virtual organizing client recently sign on for his third month of working with me, saying, “I know I’m not going to keep working on this if I don’t know you’re going to call me every week!” The process is really working for him, he’s made immense strides since we started working together, but there’s still more to be done and I can provide the structure he needs to get the results he wants.
If you’re curious about what impact hiring a professional organizer could have on your home, let’s talk! During your home organizing consultation, we’ll analyze your needs and come up with a plan that will meet your goals.
How could solutions, speed, support, and accountability help you get organized?