Recognition is Sweet
Check this out: I was named one of the 10 Best Professional Organizers In San Francisco by the San Francisco Moving Guide! I’m honored to be in the company of several great organizers as well as Omni, the on-demand storage company I'll be sharing more about soon. If I could be summed up in a blurb I didn’t write, I think this one is pretty accurate about my approach to organizing and how I try to best serve my clients.
Screen shot from - note the ad placement to the right!
Now, full disclosure: the San Francisco Moving Guide is a publication of Spare Foot, a storage company providing a full service storage experience for the price of self storage. They’re employing a very smart strategy: publish quality content on an in-demand topic that will drive readers to their core product. Even astronomical housing prices aren’t slowing the constant flow of people moving to San Francisco, and they’re all looking for this info!
I don't think this list is a comprehensive summation of the best the organizing community has to offer in the SF Bay Area? I've been fortunate enough to meet and interact with several highly experienced organizers with stellar professional reputations through my involvement with the SF Bay Area chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers, and not all of them are represented here. However, it’s always nice to be recognized, and I have to admit I appreciate the publicity!
Thank you to the San Francisco Moving Guide for including me in their round-up, and for supporting the organizing profession.